A Complete guide to Deno and Oak with authentication using bcrypt and djwt, with mongoDB as database and Handlebars as template renderer
Oak router
Password hashing using bcrypt
JSON Web tokens with server
JSON Web tokens demo
Templating with template strings instead of Handlebars
Stuff to deal with 'body is not a function' error
Dealing with Dockerfiles
Docker container with Deno
Deno Websockets example
Deno - Cheetah and Auth
Deno - Oak and Auth
Deno - Express, passport.js integration
Notes - 03/05/2024
Deno - Websockets Server
Notes - 03/06/2024
Notes - 03/08/2024
Notes - 03/10/2024
Notes - 03/11/2024
Presentation Notes
Notes - 03/12/2024
Notes - 03/13/2024
Notes - 03/28/2024
Notes - 04/01/2024
Notes - 04/03/2024
Notes - 04/05/2024
Notes - 04/09/2024
Notes - 04/13/2024
Notes - 04/15/2024
Notes - 04/17/2024
Notes - 04/25/2024
Notes - 04/30/2024
Notes - 05/02/2024